15 hot photos of Emilia Clarke, Game Of Thrones actress, from her 2015 Esquire photoshoot

15 sexy pictures of Game of Thrones actress, Emilia Clarke from her hot photoshoot for Esquire magazine in 2015.

GOT actress, Emilia Clarke's hot photoshoot | photo : Esquire magazine 

Emilia Clarke, the beautiful English actress best known for playing the role of Daenerys Targaryen in HBO's Game OF Thrones, became the sexiest women alive in the world as quoted by Esquire magazine in 2015 for their magazine cover photoshoot.

The 33-year-old earned global fame for her role in Game Of Thrones and emerged as one of the most popular English actresses. The actress who had already set the screens on fire with her naked and sex scenes in Game Of Thrones, raised the temperature when posing for Esquire magazine as well.

Emilia Clarke posed in a sexy black skimpy outfit flanting her sexy legs and fit body as well as posing almost naked and covering herself with bed sheet. The magazine's tag line read The Sexiest Woman Alive.

See these 15 sexy and hot photos of Emilia Clarke from her steamy photoshoot for Esquire magazine in 2015.

(photos source : Esquire)

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