Priyanka Chopra got much global popularity and fame after she appeared in Hollywood TV series Quantico and then Deepika Padukone was featured in Hollywood film XXX : Return of Xander Cage. Bollywood actresses are definitely getting attention of Hollywood film makers. While still the most successful Bollywood actor in Hollywood is Irrfan Khan, here are 7 Bollywood actresses who also worked in Hollywood projects and some got much recognition and critical acclaim as well.
7 ) Mallika Sherawat with Jackie Chan in the movie The Myth.
6 ) Priyanka Chopra appeared in a number of Hollywood films but she got more popularity for the TV show Quantico.
5 ) Aishwarya Rai is one of the first actresses who achieved global success and populairty. She worked in a number of films and still get included in the list of world's most beautiful women.
4 ) Nimarat Kaur, the actress from movies like Lunchbox and Airlift, has got to work in Hollywood TV series Home Land.
3 ) Lisa Ray worked in Bollywood films like Kasoor whose music got very popular. She also worked in Hollywood films like I can't think straight.
2 ) Deepika Padukone made big news when she was casted for a role in XXX : Return of Xander Cage. Most people also believed that her role was better than Priyanka Chopra's role in Baywatch. (see 10 old rare hot photos of Deepika Padukone.
1 ) Tabu worked in successful films like Life Of Pi and Namesake. She got much critical appraise for her performances.