Pakistani Model Aaminah Haq - The Wavering Diva

Aaminah Haq
She is a true Diva. There is no doubt about it.

Aaminah Haq
She is one of the most gorgeous, cute, smart and sexy Pakistani models. And while some may differ with the opinion, she is still simply beautiful.
She is the one and the only Aaminah Haq.
Aaminah Haq

I had already written a dedicated post for Aaminah Haq some years back, so why another one and why now. The reason is the changes (looks wise) we have witnessed in her during all these years. She has changed drastically over the years and we are going to walk through them. 
Aaminah HaqAaminah Haq.
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq
Aaminah Haq

In the beginning of her career, a part from fashion shoots and ramp walks (which were very limited at that time) her appearence in Pakistani Music Video "Mr. Fraudiye" (Mr. Fraud) by Awaz Band, is the one that got her noticed by a larger mass; at least thats my opinion. The music video was a bit ahead of its time in terms of fashion and styling, but so was Aaminah Haq. In that video, she played a role who seemed to be a performer in the club, certainly not a showgirl ;-), who first sedcues Mr. Fraudiye and then poisons him. Now isn't that every man's dream! :-)
I think I was in last years of my school at that time, and this was the hottest song and the topic to discuss for us....; in my defence I have always been into Pakistani stuff :-)

So in case you don't remebver the video you can watch it again here (I was and still am in love with her enternece at 1:39):
Mr. Fraudiye - Credit to imransabir on Youtube.

While she never looked back, and rule the Pakistani fashion world for a decade may be, she was at her peak in the early 2000 up till the mid of the decade (2000-2005).
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq

She ruled the ramps, the photo shoots, and the cover pages of almost every fashion magazine of the country. From bold to the beautiful, hot and sexy to cute and curdling, from the most innocent to the most naughty, we saw her in every pose and outfit and she did justice to all.
 Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq

But then during the mid 00s (2005-2010), she kind of started to hold back a little form the modelling world. She was seen as more of an actress in few Pakistani Dramas.
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq

Following is an OST from one of her dramas with Ali Haider:

During that time almost everyone knew she was involved with Ammar Bilal (of ABCD).
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq

So for a lot of us "innocent minds", it was the thought of her either starting a more serious relationship with Ammar or focusing on her career as an actress, the reason for her backing down a little from the fashion world. But she we still seen regularly at parties, gatherings, red carpets and shows as guest.
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq

But then something horrible started to happen....She started to look changed, and this was not a good change.
She started to become......FAT! (I just heard a dramatic dhan dhan dhaaan in my head!) . And later on she became so fat, the it was virtually impossible to imagine her being a super model at one time. 
It was hard to believe what was happening to her. We even saw how much she took care of herself and her workouts.

See the following video from 1:20  ;-)

It was a slow and painful transformation though. 
She first started to change her hair style a couple of times and the first few changes in fact, looked pretty good and a refreshing change.
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq

Check out her Sprite Ad (courtesy of Addict2Adverts on Youtube)

But unfortunately the hair style got weirder and so did her smile.
It was a her beautiful face first, and more precisely her lovely cheeks. They started to fall off!
Aaminah HaqAaminah Haq

And then came the final blow....she had turned into a BALLOON!
Aaminah HaqAaminah Haq
Aaminah HaqAaminah Haq

It was all over. She was now being mentioned as a former model, but more painfully, a former beauty. 
Aaminah HaqAaminah Haq

BUT!......suddenly out of nowhere at the recent Lux Style Awards, she emerged as the old and the gold Aaminah Haq. She looked lovely, ravishing with that smile to die for, one more time. I could not believe my eyes. For a moment it seemed a footage from her past. She appeared with her husband, and the couple looked amazing.
Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq

I don't know how....I don't know when....and I don't know where.....she got her cosmetic surgery :-)....well I don't know if she did or not; but seeing her last self, and looking at her now, it seems impossible to have lost so much!
But to tell the truth, I don't care how she did it, she is lovely again and for me she is BACK! Whether she chooses to model and or act again or not, doesn't matter. What matters is that she realized that she was committing a horrible crime, destroying a beauty.
These are, I believe a few of her recent pictures, and she is again as beautiful as ever; it's like the nightmare is finally over.
 Aaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah HaqAaminah Haq

So finally I would like to end this post stating a corny and a lame line: 
The world is a better place and worth living again, now that we know Aaminah Haq is beautiful again!
I will now leave you with her most famous video shoot over the cyber world:

P.S. On a serious note, I would like to clarify that although this post has been a very shallow minded one, it was just a fun way to share her videos and pics with the world. She has always been and will remain beautiful and one of the most successful Pakistani fashion model and actress!

A true diva, Aaminah Haq!
Aaminah Haq
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